
Commission responds to UN Special Rapporteur's report on racism

Published: 11 May 2018

Responding to the UN Special Rapporteur's report on racism in the UK, Chief Executive, Rebecca Hilsenrath, said:

It’s clear that race inequality is still entrenched in Britain. Our own research shows that across many areas, including education, employment, and the justice system, there is a lot that needs to be done. This was confirmed by the government’s own race disparity audit.

We need the government to take action on this latest warning and follow our recommendation for a comprehensive race strategy. We need specific equality objectives to be set for public services. We need politicians at all levels to show leadership in the tone and the dialogue they adopt, to support a climate of tolerance and respect in which our communities can live and work together.

We believe that these steps, together, will allow all of our children, no matter what they look like, to achieve their potential and their goals in life, as they deserve.

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