
Budget 2017 a missed opportunity to help the most disadvantaged in society

Published: 22 November 2017

Responding to today’s Budget announced by the Chancellor, Equality and Human Rights Commission Chief Executive, Rebecca Hilsenrath, said:

Our research shows the poorest and most disadvantaged in society have been hit the hardest by recent Budgets, and will lose 10 per cent of their income by 2022. This Budget has not set out how that will be reversed. While we welcome the changes to the delivery of Universal Credit, which will reduce the impact of previous problems on people’s lives, five weeks is still too long to wait.

This Budget was a missed opportunity to help the most disadvantaged in society. For instance, it is estimated that 1.8 million disabled people have housing needs that are not met. We are conducting an inquiry into this issue and the Government must address it in its housing plans. Disabled people, as well as everyone else, should be able to live in decent homes.


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