How we work with governments

Published: 2 March 2020

Last updated: 1 July 2021

What countries does this apply to?

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Wales

We are a statutory body (an organisation created by parliament) established by the Equality Act 2006.

We operate independently of the UK, Scottish and Welsh governments.

Our funding is provided by the Government Equalities Office and we often work with government to influence progress on equality and human rights.

However, we do not carry out government business or perform its functions. 

Framework document

We have a framework document setting out our relationship with government and how we operate independently.

The framework document was drawn up in partnership with the Cabinet Office.

It was developed to be consistent with the provisions of the Equality Act 2006 and the requirements of the Paris Principles, which enshrine our operational independence.

The document details how we operate in areas such as:

  • spending controls
  • recruitment
  • responding to parliamentary questions whilst fulfilling our statutory functions and remaining accountable for our corporate performance and use of public funds

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