
Statement regarding recent protests

Published: 10 November 2023

“We have been greatly saddened by the events in Israel and Gaza. We know how deeply this continues to impact individuals and communities across Great Britain.

“We understand that tensions are exceptionally high at present, with many groups of our fellow citizens feeling vulnerable and threatened. Violence and threatening behaviour, in particular towards people on the basis of the protected characteristics such as race and religion, are never acceptable. 

“We urge protestors to exercise their right to lawful assembly responsibly and to avoid causing any anxiety to their fellow citizens whose rights and freedoms we also stand to defend.

“Policing such protests lawfully and safely involves an ongoing complex balancing of rights and duties, and we appreciate decisions are taken in rapidly changing circumstances.

“We have written to the Metropolitan Police to offer our support in navigating the delicate balance these rights entail as they respond to planned protests during the period of remembrance this weekend.”

Baroness Kishwer Falkner

Chairwoman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission