Consultation response

Response to Palliative care matters for all: strategy consultation

Published: 9 January 2025

Last updated: 10 January 2025

What countries does this apply to?

  • Scotland

Consultation details

Title of consultation: Palliative Care Matters for All: strategy consultation

Source of consultation: Palliative Care Matters for All: strategy consultation

Date: 10 January 2025


Who we are

1. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (‘the Commission’) is Britain’s equality and human rights regulator. Our human rights powers in Scotland extend to reserved matters. The Scottish Human Rights Commission has a mandate to promote and protect human rights in Scotland that fall within the competence of the Scottish Parliament.

How we have approached this response

2. We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on a draft strategy for palliative care.

3. We consider that a new palliative care strategy should reflect relevant equality considerations and should ensure that the bodies responsible for delivering palliative care services do so in a way which meets the needs of all protected characteristic groups.

4. As such, we have focused our response on the requirements of the equality legal framework and have structured our recommendations around the defined outcomes in the consultation document.

5. We consider that there is an urgent need for the strategy to be published, and for those involved in delivery to maintain a focus on its implementation, given that many of those affected by its provisions will be in the final stages of life.

Outcome 1

19. We recognise that the draft strategy sets out several actions which seek to promote access to existing forms of financial and housing support, as well as ensure relevant and accessible information on other support and resources.

20. The Equality Act 2010 requires access to health care and other services on a non-discriminatory basis, and the PSED provides the framework for public bodies to ensure that this is the case. Proper compliance with the PSED and Scottish specific duties will ensure that particular barriers to access which are faced by protected characteristic groups, or those with an intersection of protected characteristics, can be mitigated.

21. Section 20 of the Equality Act 2010 also sets out the duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people. It is an anticipatory duty, so, in considering accessibility of information on support, listed bodies should be clear that they are meeting the reasonable adjustment duty.

22. In the interests of clarity for those responsible for implementing this strategy, as well as for those requiring palliative care services, we recommend explicit reference to the PSED and reasonable adjustments duty is included in this part of the strategy.

Outcome 3


23. While we acknowledge action by the Scottish Government and others to address evidence gaps and improve the equality evidence base in Scotland, we know that many organisations and public bodies still do not collect adequate equality data on those who access their services or engage with them. Our 2023 state of the nation report on equality and human rights, Is Scotland Fairer?, highlighted a lack of equality data on some critical issues, including health care.

24. The inclusion in the strategy of a commitment to work with Public Health Scotland, Health Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships and other important partners to improve the quality and range of palliative care data collected, analysed and reported is therefore welcome. We agree that such data can be used to inform improvement, experiences and delivery of palliative care for adults and children, families and carers.

25. Integration Joint Boards, in their commissioning role, would also benefit from better collection and use of equality data.

26. These objectives are supported by the Scottish specific duties, which already require public bodies to gather and use equality data to assess and review new strategies, inform future equality outcome setting and report on progress on both meeting equality outcomes and mainstreaming the general equality duty.

27. These obligations should be reflected in the strategy, as legislative anchoring for the outlined actions.


28. We acknowledge that under Regulation 4 of the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012, the Scottish Government have set an Equality Outcome to use co-design as a means of ensuring those with experience of inequality and exclusion have their voices reflected in public policy. The strategy’s commitment to exploring evidence-based and emerging co-design approaches to hearing and measuring people's experiences of palliative care furthers this commitment.

29. We agree with the concept of co-design. Successful co-design that involves disabled people and their organisations is also likely to have taken account of the duty to make reasonable adjustments.

30. Co-design can be a form of involvement, as defined in our Technical guidance on the PSED in Scotland. The process may assist relevant bodies to comply with the PSED general duty and develop a robust equality evidence base in order to comply with the duty to assess and review policies and practice. This duty applies to a ‘proposed’ new or revised policy or practice. Therefore, where an assessment of the impact is required, that assessment must be carried out before a decision is made on whether to apply the policy or practice. For this reason, we consider that the co-design work, which may provide evidence relevant to the equality impacts of a proposal as well as inform the detail of that proposal, should be done in advance of a strategy being published.

31. We recommend that co-design should inform national and local strategies or plans at the outset, and any review process which may result in amended strategies or plans.

Outcomes 4 and 5

32. Several of the Scottish Government’s proposed actions under these outcomes seem to reflect the ‘lived experiences and public views research studies’ findings attached to the consultation document. For example, including a specific focus on people who have more barriers to accessing the specialist palliative care they need reflects the finding that specialist palliative care services are offered less often and later for vulnerable groups with multidimensional health and social support needs. This includes people living with learning disabilities or severe mental illness.

33. Many of the barriers identified in the lived experience document and the consultation relate to the experiences of protected characteristic groups. We welcome both the evidence gathering and related development of actions as a means of addressing those identified inequalities.

34. We consider that any associated action plans to accompany the strategy, whether for use by Scottish Government, IJBs or palliative care service providers, should develop the current actions and produce target or outcome measures which are ‘SMART’: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. In practice, this will mean identifying baseline indicators and the improvements expected as a consequence of identified actions.

35. In terms of monitoring, the Scottish specific duties provide a framework for ensuring the identified inequalities, where they pertain to protected characteristic groups, are being addressed. As mentioned earlier, an EQIA should be updated periodically, in order to ensure the strategy is being reviewed, as per the needs of the SSDs.

36. It is not enough, for example, to simply include a focus on addressing specialist care issues for disabled people. Where the current identified actions relate to protected characteristic groups, they should be developed to produce SMART outcomes, which are monitored as per the existing SSDs.

National electronic hospital urgent care plans

37. Should the Scottish Government pursue the introduction of national electronic hospital urgent care plans to help to ensure that important information about people’s needs moves with them, it should record any reasonable adjustments required for disabled people. This would assist the bodies delivering palliative care to meet the reasonable adjustment duty.

Outcomes 6 and 8

38. Outcomes 6 and 8 both refer to education and training resources, including palliative care education as part of relevant college and university courses.

39. All employees must have an awareness and understanding of equality and how it is relevant to their work. Any professional development programme must include training and support to ensure all employees, including commissioning and procurement professionals, have the knowledge, skills and confidence to take an equality-focused approach to their work.

40. The strategy is to have equality and non-discrimination at its heart, there has to be a focus on mainstreaming equality into all parts of the system. This will require leadership and an investment in all staff – decision-makers and those directly delivering services – so that they have access to the relevant equality training and support and are motivated to understand why paying attention to equality drives better outcomes.

41. The strategy should set out the commitment to ensuring robust equality training is part of the suggested training commitments currently listed. 


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