
Supreme Court judgment levels playing field for medical and other professionals

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 1 Tachwedd 2017

Medical and other professionals no longer face uncertainty about whether discrimination complaints against bodies like the General Medical Council (GMC) need to go through judicial review or Employment Tribunal.

Equality and Human Rights Commission Chief Executive Rebecca Hilsenrath said:

Until now, medical and other professionals have been faced with uncertainty around whether discrimination complaints against bodies like the General Medical Council needed to go through judicial reviews or Employment Tribunals – and, as a result, some have been priced out of justice. After today’s ruling, those wanting to challenge qualification bodies like the GMC have a much easier and cheaper way of doing so.

Just months after the momentous employment tribunal fees decision, this judgment does even more to level the playing field for all, ensuring that the right to justice is based on the merit of your case not your ability to pay.

Notes to editors

The Equality and Human Rights Commission intervened in this case, bringing additional arguments that helped the Supreme Court decide the correct interpretation of section 120(7) of the Equality Act 2010 (link to legislation.gov.uk) and protect access to justice for victims of discrimination.

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