
About the Commission in Wales

Published: 22 December 2021

Last updated: 22 December 2021

What countries does this apply to?

  • Wales

Equality and Human Rights in Wales

The Commission in Wales champions equality and human rights for all, working to eliminate discrimination, reduce inequality, protect human rights and to build good relations, making sure that everyone has a fair chance to participate in society.

Our purpose is to make sure that the Commission's policy-making in Great Britain reflects the needs of Wales and to deliver our programme of work in Wales.

We have two statutory committees, which are here to make sure that the work of the Commission reflects the needs and priorities of Scotland and Wales.

Find out more about the Wales Committee.

The Commission in Wales will:

  • work with the Wales Committee to ensure that Wales needs are taken into account in the Great Britain business plan and implement a programme of work appropriate to Wales
  • co-ordinate all aspects of the Commission's work in Wales to maximise impact, minimise risk and add value to the Great Britain strategy
  • build a strong evidence base that enables the Commission to speak authoritatively on policy issues and with clarity on what needs to change
  • find the synergy between the Commission and Government agendas and develop influencing strategies to deliver the Commission's objectives in Wales
  • communicate the Commission's objectives persuasively to engage with stakeholders and generate action
  • use the Commission's legal powers to improve access to justice and promote a fair and just society

Welsh language standards

We understand how important it is that speakers of Welsh have the same access to public services as English-speakers. Find out more about how we comply with the Welsh language standards.

Our contact details

Wales office correspondence address:

Equality and Human Rights Commission
Companies House (1st Floor)
Crown Way
CF14 3U

Map: Cardiff office Google map

We welcome correspondence in Welsh. We will respond to it in Welsh. Corresponding in Welsh will not lead to delay.

We welcome phone calls in Welsh.

Telephone: 02920 447710 (non helpline calls only)
Fax: 02920 447712


Media enquiries

If you work in the media and wish to speak to our press office, please call 02920 44 77 10.

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