
Rainbow Theatre Productions agrees to better protect staff from sexual harassment

Published: 10 January 2019

Theatre company Rainbow Theatre Productions has entered into a legal agreement with the Equality and Human Rights Commission to safeguard employees against sexual harassment and ensure that complaints of sexual harassment are appropriately dealt with.

Great Britain’s national equality body contacted Rainbow Theatre Productions after an employment tribunal found that one of its staff members, Helen Haines, had been sexually harassed by her colleagues.

Using our powers granted under the Equality Act, we have entered into a legal agreement with Rainbow, to ensure that its workers are better protected against harassment and that Rainbow is better equipped to deal with complaints of harassment.

Rainbow will be required to undertake training on sexual harassment, prepare an equality and diversity policy, an anti-harassment harassment policy and disciplinary and grievance procedures and ensure that all staff members are made aware of the policies and are clear about what constitutes acceptable conduct at work.

Over the next year, we will monitor the delivery of the action plan by Rainbow. If we are not satisfied that Rainbow is meeting the terms of the agreement, it will consider using its wider enforcement powers.

Rebecca Hilsenrath, the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s chief executive, said:

'No one should ever feel threatened or unsafe in their working environment. It is up to employers to protect their staff from sexual harassment in the workplace. Where organisations are failing to do this we will step in and ensure action is taken.

'We are pleased that Rainbow recognises that more needs to be done to protect their staff and we will continue to work with them as they put in place the necessary steps to improve conditions for their staff.'

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