
Ymatebion ymgynghori

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 17 Tachwedd 2017

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 17 Tachwedd 2017

Llyfrgell ymateb ymgynghori

Mae’r Comisiwn wedi ymateb i nifer o ymgynghoriadau a gyflwynwyd gan adrannau’r llywodraeth ac asiantaethau eraill.

Gweler hefyd ymatebion ymgynghori yn benodol i’r Alban

Tystiolaeth i ymchwiliad Pwyllgor Menywod a Chydraddoldebau ar goronafeirws

Cyflwynom dystiolaeth i ymchwiliad Pwyllgor Menywod a Chydraddoldebau (WEC) ar goronafeirws (COVID-19) a’r effaith ar bobl â nodweddion gwarchodedig, ar 1 Mai 2020:


Ymatebion ymgynghori 2020

Mai 2020

Ebrill 2020

Chwefror 2020

Ionawr 2020

Ymatebion ymgynghori 2019

Rhagfyr 2019

Tachwedd 2019

Hydref 2019

In October 2019 we responded to the report by the Women and Equalities Committee following their inquiry, Enforcing the Equality Act: the law and the role of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

Read our response to the Women and Equalities Committee inquiry (595KB, Word)

Medi 2019

Awst 2019

Mehefin 2019

Mai 2019

Ebrill 2019

Mawrth 2019

Chwefror 2019

Ionawr 2019


Ymatebion ymgynghori 2018

Rhagfyr 2018

Tachwedd 2018

Hydref 2018

Medi 2018

Awst 2018

Gorffennaf 2018

Mehefin 2018 

Mai 2018

Mawrth 2018

Chwefror 2018

Ionawr 2018

Ymatebion ymgynghori 2017

Rhagfyr 2017

Hydref 2017

Medi 2017

Mawrth 2017

Chwefror 2017

Ionawr 2017

Ymatebion ymgynghori 2016

Tachwedd 2016

Hydref 2016

Medi 2016

Awst 2016

Gorffennaf 2016

Mehefin 2016

Ebrill 2016

Mawrth 2016

Ionawr 2016

Ymatebion ymgynghori 2010

Tachwedd 2010

Response to Equality Act 2010: The public sector Equality Duty - Promoting equality through transparency
Wedi’i gyhoeddi gan Swyddfa Cydraddoldeb y Llywodraeth

Hydref 2010

Response to the consultation - Phasing out the default retirement age 
Wedi’i gyhoeddi gan yr Adran Fusnes, Arloesi a Sgiliau/ Adran dros Waith a Phensiynau

Response to introducing a pupil premium
Wedi’i gyhoeddi gan yr Adran Addysg

Response to SEN and Disabilities Green Paper - Call for Views
Wedi’i gyhoeddi gan yr Adran Addysg

Response to consultation on the future direction of skills policy
Wedi’i gyhoeddi gan yr Adran Fusnes, Arloesi a Sgiliau (BIS)

Medi 2010

Low Pay Commission consultation on the national minimum wage
21 Medi 2010

Submission: Review of counter terrorism and security powers
13 Medi 2010

Awst 2010

Response to Consultation: When should the state pension age increase to 66? Wedi’i gyhoeddi gan yr Adran dros Waith a Phensiynau

Response to Consultation on the Commissions Communication on the Rights of the Child Wedi’i gyhoeddi gan y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd

Gorffennaf 2010

Response to Department for Transport consultation: Code of Practice for the acceptable use of advanced imaging technology in an aviation security environment 

Mai 2010

Response to HM Treasury consultation on National Minimum Wage workers: Travel and subsistence expenses schemes. Wedi’i gyhoeddi Mai 2010.

Mawrth 2010

Response to Consultation on Recording and Reporting Incidents of Bullying Between Pupils, and Incidents of Abuse against School Staff Wedi’i gyhoeddi 11 Mawrth 2010

Ymateb polisi: Protect, support, provide - examining the role of grandparents in families at risk of poverty
Wedi’i gyhoeddi 2 Mawrth 2010

Rights and responsibilities: developing our constitutional framework (PDF)
Wedi’i gyhoeddi gan y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder,  Mawrth 2009

Ionawr 2010

Response to DPPs Consultation on Assisted Suicide 
Wedi’i gyhoeddi gan y Cyfarwyddwr Erlyniadau Cyhoeddus 9 Rhagfyr 2009.


Diweddariadau tudalennau