Camau cyfreithiol

Should those who suffer abuse as children by those they live with be excluded from Government compensation?

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 3 Hydref 2022

Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 3 Hydref 2022

I ba wledydd mae hyn yn berthnasol?

Manylion yr achos

Nodwedd warchodedig Oed, Rhyw
Mathau o hawliadau cydraddoldeb Other
Llys neu dribiwnlys Llys Apêl (Sifil)
Rhaid dilyn y penderfyniad i mewn Lloegr, Cymru
Mae'r gyfraith yn berthnasol i Lloegr, Alban, Cymru
Cyflwr yr achos Wedi gorffen
Ein cyfranogiad Ymyrraeth (adran 30 o Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb 2006)
Canlyniad Barn
Meysydd o fywyd Cyfiawnder a diogelwch personol
Gyfraith Hawliau Dynol Erthygl 14: Amddiffyn rhag gwahaniaethu mewn perthynas â'r hawliau a'r rhyddidau hyn, Protocol 1, Erthygl 1: Yr hawl i fwynhau’ch bywyd yn heddychlon. eiddo

Enw achos: JT v First Tier Tribunal

JT was denied compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority for injuries that she sustained as a victim of sexual abuse committed by her step-father before October 1, 1979 when she was living under the same roof as him (the “same roof rule”). JT’s relative, who similarly applied for compensation, was awarded compensation of £1,000 for injuries suffered as a result of two indecent assaults by JT’s step-father as she did not live in the same household. JT appealed this decision to the High Court and now to the Court of Appeal.

Mater cyfreithiol

Is the “same roof” rule (which operates to deny direct victims of violent crime in England, Wales and Scotland with Government compensation) discriminatory?

Pam roedden ni'n cymryd rhan

We work to ensure people can access justice - to ensure people can access redress when they are wronged.

Beth wnaethom ni

We intervened in this case under section 30 of the Equality Act 2006.

Beth ddigwyddodd

The CoA held that the “same roof” rule under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (Scheme) 2012 - a statutory Scheme which compensates victims of criminal violence where certain eligibility requirements are met – was discriminatory under Article 1 Protocol 1 and Article 14 of the ECHR in respect of child abuse victims.  The same roof rule prevents compensation if at the time of the injury the victim lived under the same roof as her assailant “as members of the same family”. It applies to all injury occurring before 1 October 1979 and after 1 August 1964.

Pwy fydd yn elwa

The impact of the case is that the policy will no longer be applicable to affected victims of child abuse and as such, it will not prevent them from receiving compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme, when other criteria is satisfied.

Dyddiad y gwrandawiad

14 Mehefin 2018

Diweddariadau tudalennau

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