
European Union (Withdrawal) Bill published

Wedi ei gyhoeddi: 13 Gorffenaf 2017

Following the publication of the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill today, Commission Chair David Isaac said: 

We have been clear there must be no rowing back on people’s rights after we leave the European Union. Rights derived from the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, including important protections for children and older people, must be preserved for UK citizens.

This Bill provides a golden opportunity to set out a positive vision of a fair Britain that values equality and human rights. We will be recommending amendments that make the Government’s commitment to retaining the Equality Acts 2006 and 2010 explicit on the face of this Bill, and to introduce a constitutional right to equality against which all laws and government action must be tested.

It is vital that Parliament can properly scrutinise any future changes to laws that are fundamental to our rights and this important task must not be left solely in the hands of Ministers.

Read our briefing on the European Union Withdrawal Bill (Word).

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